The Gifted Gears #8949
why do we need sponsors?
FIRST Tech Challenge gives us great learning opportunities, but we can't get these experiences without our sponsors. Our sponsors help us financially and learning wise. We have gained so much from our sponsors and we would have not been where we are today. We are willing to learn anything in the STEM category from computer science to wiring. Our sponsors also help us by donating money to support our team. FTC is a very expensive competition to compete in. Our robot goes through many trials and errors, and the parts to make and repair the robot are quite expensive. In 2018, we were given the chance to go Worlds. Overall, the total cost to send the robot, to get the proper supplies and to get tickets, it cost $18,000. We couldn't have done it without our sponsors. Our sponsors also help us motivate the next generation. Many children lose
that spark from a very young age, and with a world demanding bigger and better, that is not acceptable. Our sponsors give us that chance to flip the switch and motivate young developing minds to enjoy STEM. If you would like to support our team, please contact us at